



我也有另外一個網誌"Reits World 我的房託世界"是關於投資REITS的,歡迎瀏覽。http://reitsworld.blogspot.hk















Black Sea Trade and Development Bank 4.875% 5/6/2021

1)     黑海發展銀行(Black Sea Trade and Development Bank) 是一間多邊金融機構,由 俄羅斯, 土耳其 希臘 羅馬 等政府持有。

2)     黑海發展銀行主要為黑海及東歐地區的大型基建項目提供融資方案,項目開發和財務諮詢服務,並在電力、自然資源、重工業、交通運輸和電信等核心基礎設施領域開展業務,而這些都是地區經濟增長的重要支柱。

3)     從穆迪投資者服務公司(Moody's Investors Service)獲得了國際信用評級。穆迪給予A2長期外幣債務評級,這使得Black Sea Trade and Development Bank 成為東歐大陸上獲得高投資級評級的多邊金融機構。穆迪給予該投資級評級的依據是在較高利潤率和利潤留成水平的支持下,Black Sea Trade and Development Bank擁有不錯的資本充足性、較高的資產品質和支持高度流動性的良好審慎框架。

4) 第一次發行美金債(ISIN:XS1405888576)



最近看了一隻certificate包含了一籃子25隻的亞太區房地產基金,頗為有賣點。管理費0.6%+ rebalancing fee 0.2%,不算太貴。卻有齊星加坡,澳洲,香港及日本各類型REITs。特別最近日本REITs市場有上升勢頭,加上日本央行又準備入市買包括J-REITs在內的證券,這隻certificate可做到小注卻可分散風險。年派息約5%,依個別REITs派息時間,所以個個月都有息收。成立至今連息帶價升平均有10%回報。價格相對穩定,適合作槓干收息或留待補倉之用。可惜年期有点短,还有14個月。我用的PB提供LV有60%。


Private Banker 的唏噓

昨天約了資深private banker B哥出來飲下午茶。心中原本有些關於私銀的問題想請教他。
這次見面,知道他剛離職轉行去賣融資保險。我很奇怪想知道他為什麼放棄了多年的private banker生涯,不是很可惜嗎?他說以前上司雖然都有推他們去sell各類產品,但總算尊重他們對個別產品的觀念與公司不同,不會迫他們硬銷給客人。但新上司上場,已表明不支持及容許有別於公司的觀念,每個月幾十隻product,都不能sell到幾隻是不可以接受的!加上如果根據公司看法去sell,出了事有公司去孭。如果自己觀念去推,出了事公司會告埋你一份。眼看年資淺的同事盲從公司指示,不理會客戶是否合適而硬推卻有佳蹟,且因聽話,分佣比例比他更高,他知道是時候要走了,他有很多老客戶是跟隨他過檔的,他有良心,不欲害他們。這些客戶都回歸舊公司了。他則轉行賣融資保險!
寫到這裡,真的很想多謝剛逝去的blogger Allan Lin兄。如果不是看了他的文章,知道他和PB打官司的過程,相信初出茅廬的我也會開了戶口。就是因為看了,心裡有很大戒心才遲遲沒有落實。Allan兄分享他以血淚換來的慘痛教訓,使我這PB初哥知道世途險惡,避之則吉。如今用的PB,幾乎不會主動call我sell product。只提供我要求或需要的資料或產品,讓我能自己決定。如果學藝不精輸了,也不怪人!Allan 兄,多謝你!


轉載Homeblogger:比較債券投資風險之HB Score

筆者建議根據公司的欠債金額、現金或其相等物之金額、及股東應佔溢利三者作比對去衝量一間公司做否違約。筆者亦創立及HB score助大家快速去辨識那間公司的償債能力較好。

HB Score(215.4-80*2)/111.6 =0.49(2969-1030*2)/104.6=8.7(196.8-28.8*2)/12.1=11.5
Offer Yield 5.6%(2016/3/1)
Offer yield 9.3%(2016/2/15)
Offer Yield 11.7%(2016/2/15)


HB Score利用此三條件作審核的原因好比「人爭錢」、還唔還到在於本身你現金夠唔夠、同埋人工高唔工? 例如你爭落卡數10萬蚊而手上現金有4萬、加上你人工有5萬、筆者相信此情況下呢個人還唔到債既機會不高、因為佢兩個月人工已足夠清哂筆債了、亦唔會搞咩破產,因欠債只是年度收入的一少部份。相反你朋友卡數70萬而手上現金只10萬、人工4萬、你見你朋友的情況差很多。起碼用手上現金找左部份債項、令結欠減至60萬之後、自己仲要做60/4 = 15個月再加零洗費先可以清左筆債。

HB Score強化了公司持有現金的特點、而Score越低代表持有其債券風險越低。若為負數則全部一併歸零處理。HB Score = (欠債 – 現金*2) / 盈利

再加一件事可參考、就係若集團於年內發債成功及債券需付之票面息比往時低、代表該公司在融資上的成本正減輕中、不少市場人仕亦看好其償債能力、代表公司違約風險正減低。恆大已完成發行新一批直債、息率只需付年8%、比上一批8.75%低。筆者在HB Score比較上見恆大好過花樣年。當然數字化看後計到長江基建直債之風險低很多、而年回報5.47%只比恆大的少約38%、對年長而想收息的朋友亦是好選擇。(source:Homeblogger) http://homebloggerhk.com/47736/


懷念 Allan Lin (股息 現金流 被動收入理財的心路歷程網主)

Allan 是我一向很欣賞的blog作者。他本身是一個台灣的外科醫生。金融風暴時因被PB誤導損失大量金錢,和PB展開連串官司,最終不能討回公道。這blog紀錄了官司之後的心路歷程,理財觀念的改變。他無私的將所知與人分享,襟懷廣闊,受人敬重愛戴,很多人因看他的blog獲益良多!

我知誰掌管明天(苦難,是上帝祝福的偽裝)--- Don't Worry, Be Happy

以收股息(現金流)為主的心法, 改變了我的人生

股息 現金流 被動收入理財的心路歷程 (序文) : 現金流 vs 資產配置






綠地集團 Greenland 5.875% 7/3/2024

Greenland bond quotation link:
Offer Circular

成立23年来,绿地已在全球范围内形成了“以房地产开发为主业,大基建、大金融、大消费等新兴产业并举发展”的多元格局,坚定实施资本化、公众化、国际化发展战略,旗下企业及项目遍及北京、上海、广州等80多个中国城市以及美国、英国、德国、澳大利亚、加拿大、韩国、泰国、马来西亚等海外九国十二城,实现了国内A股整体上市(600606.SH)及部分资产香港H股上市(00337.HK 01365.HK),构筑起境内外资源整合的资本平台,位列2015年《财富》世界企业500强第258位。

陽光人壽保險 4.5% 4/20/2026


1.      國內七大保險集團之一,成立於20057
2.      集團註冊資本金67.1059億元人民幣
3.      由中國石油化工集團公司、中國南方航空集團公司、中國鋁業公司、中國外運長航集團有限公司、廣東電力發展股份有限公司等大型企業集團發起組建
4.      子公司包括陽光財產保險股份有限公司、陽光人壽保險股份有限公司、陽光資產管理股份有限公司等子公司
5.      主要經營財產保險業務的全國性保險公司和人壽保險、健康保險和意外傷害保險等人身險業務的全國性專業壽險公司
6.      陽光保險集團股份有限公司是中國500強、中國服務業100強企

1.      成立於200712
2.      主要經營人壽保險、健康保險和意外傷害保險等人身險業務的全國性專業壽險公司
3.      註冊資本金91.71億元人民幣,有30家二級機構開業運營,三四級分支機搆600餘家

As@6/2/2016 ,Bid/Ask 100.45/100.62
YTM=4.42%  Duration=7.94


中鐵物資付債困難 暫停168億債券交易



轉載信報:留意債市 降組合波動性

全球不明朗 要分散風險
高收益債券息差不俗 可抵禦加息
所以美國及歐亞等高收益債券,因為具有不錯的債券息差(credit spread),可以對抗未來的加息周期,另一方面即使美國加息、企業資金成本增加,但中等信評的高息債券中,部分企業本身的經營狀況亦有改善,違約機率將在可控的範圍,將是未來在資金退場的投資環境下之可取的債券投資工具。以美國高收益債券來說,最近孳息率已高達8%。同一時間,亦不妨增加投資級別企業債券的比重。現時中長期到期日的美國投資級別企業債券,收益率接近5厘,而波動性較股票低一半。加上早前歐洲央行宣布,將會買入歐元計價的投資級別企業債券,相信對相關債券會有支持作用。
 避能源業 經營環境惡劣風險升
話雖如此,有一些行業的企業債,即使有高息,亦應盡量避免。例如,能源價格向下,已開始讓部分經營狀態比較差的能源企業出現違約上升的風險,市場預期一旦美國加息,將會有更多能源廠商抵擋不住資金成本上升的衝擊而出現倒閉或違約潮,所以能源債券要避開。而違約風險較細的行業,據統計,有媒體、健康護理、電信等內需產業。一般散戶如想染指債市,多數都要透過基金,所以選擇債券基金之時,宜留意投資組合。如先前所述,如果基金持有的不是中等評級的高息債而是CCC等近乎垃圾級的債券時,恐怕真的不宜沾手。(撰文: 王錦霞)

PTTEP Subordinated Perpetual 4.875%

Next call date Jun 18 2019,2024




 本港零售業不振,舖租難免受到影響 (iStock圖片)
 本港經濟下半年或惡化 失業率回升零售業續弱
 收租股受零售額大跌衝擊不一 現階段不宜撈低
 房託熊市防禦力較強 置富產業及越秀房產吸引
 撰文: 陳達成、楊英傑












Newcrest Finance Pty Ltd. 4.2% 10/1/2022

Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, Newcrest Mining Limited (Newcrest) is the largest gold company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange with revenue of around $4.3 billion for the financial year ended 30 June 2015 (FY15). Newcrest is one of the world's largest gold mining companies based on gold production of around 2.4 million ounces (Moz) for FY15 and the company has a portfolio of predominantly low cost, long life operating mines.

Rating Action: 

Moody's confirms Newcrest's Baa3 rating; outlook stable

Global Credit Research - 16 Mar 2016

Sydney, March 16, 2016 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) confirmed the Baa3 long-term issuer rating of Newcrest Mining Limited and Baa3 senior unsecured ratings of Newcrest Finance Pty Ltd. The outlook on all ratings is stable.
This concludes the review for downgrade initiated on 22 January, 2016.
"The confirmation of Newcrest's Baa3 rating is based upon the company's deleveraging and continued improvements in operating costs", said Matthew Moore, a Moody's Vice President and Senior Credit Officer.
"Newcrest has delivered a track record of significant cost reduction which, combined with its updated conservative financial policies, has allowed the company to continue to reduce debt, despite softer average gold and by-product prices", Moore adds.
This rating action resolves the review of Newcrest's ratings as part of Moody's broader review of the global mining sector, parts of which have undergone a fundamental downward shift in credit quality as a result of weaker commodity prices.
While gold has not experienced the same magnitude of recent price reductions as seen in base metals, it is nevertheless a volatile commodity, the price of which is very hard to predict as it is not driven by normal industrial supply and demand factors. Moody's expects Newcrest to continue to temper this price risk by a focus on cost efficiency, prudent project development and low financial risk in terms of leverage, coverage and robust liquidity.
Newcrest's ratings are currently supported by its relatively low leverage, as measured by debt/EBITDA of around 2.2x. Over the last 18 months, the company has reduced its USD denominated debt by close to USD1.1 billion as it continues to reduce leverage in line with its financial policy targets. The ratings also reflect the company's significant cost reductions over the last several years, which have allowed Newcrest to generate still solid earnings and cash flow despite lower average realised prices.
The ratings continue to reflect Newcrest's position as a large, low-cost gold miner, reflecting the still solid gold production volumes and very large reserve base of proved and probable gold reserves, with a significant amount of non-gold metals (primarily copper). The rating also considers the expanded production contribution from Cadia, which provides support for Newcrest's credit profile, given its low cost position. The increased contribution by Cadia does increase Newcrest's concentration risk, albeit this will moderate if improvements in the company's Lihir operations are sustained.
Newcrest's rating is constrained by the limited commodity and geographic diversity of the company, as well as the political risk inherent in some of the geographies in which Newcrest operates. The rating also reflects the inherent volatility in gold prices.
The stable outlook reflects Moody's expectation that Newcrest's all-in cost position will remain at a level that will ensure consistent free cash flow generation even in a volatile gold price environment. The stable outlook also reflects the company's conservative financial policies, which include maintaining Net Debt/EBITDA below 2.0x, and the company's recent track record of debt reduction to meet these targets.
Newcrest has lowered its all-in-sustaining cost to a level which should allow it to continue to maintain solid margins and free cash flow generation even in a weaker gold price environment. Newcrest's all-in- sustaining cost (AISC) are some of the lowest in the industry. The company's AISC decreased in the first half of fiscal 2016 (FY2016) to USD770/oz, which was below the USD789/oz achieved in fiscal 2015 and 12% lower than the previous corresponding period. The current AISC level is now down close to 40% from the level achieved in FY2013. While depreciating producer currencies have played a big part in the company's cost reduction, the company has also improved throughput at Lihir, reworked its mine plans, lowered general and administrative expenses, and reduced contractor and consumable spend.
Furthermore the ratings consider Newcrest's ability to maintain solid operating cash flow at a gold price of USD1,100/oz which, combined with lower capital expenditure expectations, will allow the company to generate free cash flow for further debt reduction.
Assuming a gold price of USD1,100/oz we expect that Newcrest's leverage in fiscal 2016, as measured by debt to EBITDA, will remain near the 2.2x level achieved for the 12 months to December 2015 and we expect this to reduce further in fiscal 2017 towards 2.0x. The other key metric of (CFO minus dividends)/ Debt remained solid at around 40% in the 12 months to December 2015.
The ratings would face negative pressure if the company was unable to maintain or further adjust its cost base in light of lower gold prices such that: (1) total debt/EBITDA exceeds 3x; (2) cash flow from operations minus dividends/debt falls below 20%; or (3) its liquidity profile weakens materially.
The ratings could also come under further pressure if the company was free cash flow negative over the next several years or improvements in the Lihir operations are not sustained or built upon.
The ratings could experience positive momentum if Newcrest is able to: 1) continue to generate free cash flow and reduce debt levels; 2) maintain its industry leading cost profile; 3) further turn around the operations at Lihir; and, 4) improve credit metrics, such that Debt-to-EBITDA is expected to be sustained below 2.0x under all reasonable assumptions. Moody's would also be looking for signs of improving diversity and the ability to maintain or improve production levels beyond 2020.



速動比率及流動比率(QUICK RATIO AND CURRENT RATIO)速動比率及流動比率是可以反映企業流動性的財務比率,兩者的計算方法十分接近,但數值的意義則大有不同。流動比率是以企業的流動資產除以流動負債,而速動比率亦然,不過就減去庫存。從會計學的角度而言,流動資產當中除了現金及銀行存款等流動性極高的資產外,亦包括應收帳款(Account Receivable)等較為流動的資產,最後亦有庫存(Inventory)等需要較長時間出售從而轉換成為企業流動資金的資產。因為速動比率的計算並不包括庫存,所以流動比率反映的是企業較為長期償債能力,而速動比率則量化企業較短期的償債能力。以香港上市的內房企業為例,流動及速動比率的市場平均值大約為1.8及0.6,企業的比率較平均值高則表示企業的流動性較市場平均值佳。除此之外,投資者亦可參考現金比率(Cash Ratio),計算方法是以現金及現金等值除以流動負債,所以現金比率可以反映企業能夠即時撥款償債的能力;同樣地,現金比率愈高代表企業即時償付債項的能力愈好,以香港上市的內房為例,現金比率的市場平均值大約為0.3。

利息覆蓋率(EBIT/TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE)利息覆蓋率反映企業償付利息的能力,可以理解為,企業的息稅前利潤是否足夠償還融資的成本。財政狀況穩健的企業,營運收益理應蓋過營運借貸的成本。所以若然這個比率下跌至低於1的水平,企業於該個財政年度期間則有需要動用備用現金以償還利息。當然,比率低於1並不代表企業必然會違約,企業仍然可運用現金儲備以償付利息。但就長遠發展而言,如果企業的利息覆蓋率長期處於1以下的水平,企業的營運壓力將會愈來愈高,每年需要從現金及銀行存款當中撥備,當現金餘額變至不足償還利息,企業就可能需要變賣資產以籌措資金,不過變賣資產亦非一朝一夕的事,企業有可能因未能即時變賣資產以償還即將到期的債務而有可能違約。

淨債務對息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(NET DEBT/EBITDA)




Ratings On Standard Chartered Entities Lowered By One Notch

Downgraded; CreditWatch/Outlook Action
                                        To                 From
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd.
 Counterparty Credit Rating             A+/Positive/A-1    AA-/Watch Neg/A-1+

Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Ltd.
Standard Chartered Bank Korea Ltd.
 Counterparty Credit Rating             A-/Positive/A-2    A/Watch Neg/A-1

Standard Chartered PLC
 Senior Unsecured                       BBB+               A-/Watch Neg
 Senior Unsecured                       cnA+               cnAA-/Watch Neg
 Subordinated                           BBB-               BBB/Watch Neg
 Junior Subordinated                    BB-                BB/Watch Neg
 Preference Stock                       BB                 BB+/Watch Neg

Standard Chartered Bank
 Senior Unsecured                       A                  A+/Watch Neg
 Senior Unsecured                       Ap                 A+p/Watch Neg
 Subordinated                           BBB                BBB+/Watch Neg
 Junior Subordinated                    BB+                BBB-/Watch Neg
 Junior Subordinated                    BBB-               BBB/Watch Neg
 Preferred Stock                        BB+                BBB-/Watch Neg
 Certificate Of Deposit                 A                  A+/Watch Neg

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd.
 Senior Unsecured                       A+                 AA-/Watch Neg
 Subordinated                           A                  A+/Watch Neg

Downgraded; CreditWatch/Outlook Action; Ratings Affirmed
                                        To                 From
Standard Chartered PLC
 Counterparty Credit Rating             BBB+/Stable/A-2    A-/Watch Neg/A-2

Standard Chartered Bank
Standard Chartered Bank (China) Ltd.
 Counterparty Credit Rating             A/Positive/A-1     A+/Watch Neg/A-1

Standard Chartered Bank
 Certificate Of Deposit                 A/A-1              A+/Watch Neg/A-1

Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Ltd.
 Counterparty Credit Rating
 Taiwan National Scale                  twAA/Positive/     twAA+/Watch Neg/
                                        twA-1+             twA-1+

Ratings Affirmed

Standard Chartered Bank
 Certificate Of Deposit                 A-1                
 Commercial Paper                       A-1                

Ratings Affirmed; CreditWatch/Outlook Action
                                        To                 From
Standard Chartered Bank (China) Ltd.
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd.
  Greater China Regional Scale           cnAAA/cnA-1+       cnAAA/Watch Neg/

Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Ltd.
 Greater China Regional Scale           cnAA+/cnA-1        cnAA+/Watch Neg/

Standard Chartered Bank
 Certificate Of Deposit                 axA-1+             axA-1+/Watch Neg
 Certificate Of Deposit                 axAAA              axAAA/Watch Neg

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd.
 Senior Unsecured                       cnAAA              cnAAA/Watch Neg
 Subordinated                           cnAA+              cnAA+/Watch Neg

"We consider the Standard Chartered group's creditworthiness to have weakened 
considerably when compared with global peers with a similar stand-alone credit 
profile such as major banks in Singapore, Canada, and Australia," said 
Standard & Poor's credit analyst Terry Sham.

We expect the recovery in the group's performance to be protracted amid an 
unsupportive operating environment. We therefore lowered the unsupported group 
credit profile (GCP) by one notch to 'a-' from 'a', which leads to a lowering 
of the issuer credit ratings on SCPLC and the issue credit ratings on SCPLC 's 
senior unsecured issuance and the group's hybrid capital instruments. We 
continue to include only one notch of additional loss-absorbing capacity 
(ALAC) support into the supported GCP, and so lowered our ratings on most of 
the group's operating companies. We lowered the ratings on SCBHK because we 
expect that its creditworthiness will remain closely linked to that of the 
wider Standard Chartered group. 

We recognize the progress that management already made in 2015 and the 
bolstering of capitalization that is likely to prove enduring under our base 
case. Balance sheet strength is improving, but we do not see capitalization as 
a relative strength that fully offsets the pressures on the business.

We have reflected these developments through the following two adjustments to 
the composition of the group's unsupported GCP:

  • We lowered our assessment of the group's business position to adequate from strong. This acknowledges that the group is likely to retain many of its key strengths and competitive advantages, but reflects our view that the group is no longer a positive outlier in this regard.
  • We raised capital and earnings to strong from adequate, but lowered risk position to moderate from adequate, leading to no net change across these two factors. We now project the group's risk-adjusted capital (RAC) ratio to reach about 11% at end-2016 and to remain close to that level, from 10.4% at end-2015. However, the group's earnings are likely to remain subdued through end-2017 at least.
Standard Chartered's GCP of 'a' remains one notch higher than the unsupported 
GCP to reflect an uplift for ALAC, which is the buffer of instruments that 
resolution authorities would use through bail-in to recapitalize the bank if 
it fails. We expect ALAC to accrue to the benefit of senior creditors of the 
group's main operating companies, but not those of SCPLC--being a 
non-operating holding company whose senior obligations would likely not 
receive full and timely payment in a resolution scenario. We calculate that 
the group's ALAC ratio was close to 7.5% at end-2015.

Our ratings on SCBHK reflect our view of its 'a' SACP and the two notches of 
uplift for potential extraordinary support from the Hong Kong government. In 
our view, SCBHK remains the strongest of Standard Chartered's group operating 
companies, and we have not revised down the SACP at this stage, nor changed 
the support uplift. Nevertheless, while we see some differentiation in credit 
quality with other group companies, we have used a notch of negative 
adjustment to reflect our view that its creditworthiness will remain closely 
linked to that of the wider Standard Chartered group. As a result, SCBHK 
remains rated only one notch above SCB.

Standard Chartered PLC
The stable outlook acknowledges the difficult operating environment and 
work-in-progress nature of management's actions, but reflects our view that 
there are currently limited negative or positive pressures on the rating. 

While unlikely at this time, we could lower the rating if we see a further 
weakening in the group's unsupported GCP of 'a-'. This could result from 
events such as: (1) a sharp adverse development in asset quality; (2) a 
significant weakening in the group's funding or liquidity profiles; or (3) 
factors that will require management to undertake a significantly more 
far-reaching and substantial restructuring to restore the group's 

While a remote possibility at this time, we could raise the long-term rating 
if we raise the unsupported GCP. We could do this, for example, if RAC 
improves substantially beyond our current 11% projection, leading us to 
conclude that the group's capitalization provides a substantial buffer against 
possible future losses.  

Standard Chartered Bank
The positive outlook reflects our view that the group's accumulation of ALAC 
is likely to offer increased protection to senior unsecured creditors of the 
group's operating subsidiaries in the next 12-24 months. 

We would likely raise our long-term ratings on SCB once the group accumulates 
8.5% ALAC on a sustainable basis. An upgrade would also need to be supported 
by a view that a higher rating is justified in comparison with similarly 
highly-rated peer. 

If we raised our rating on SCB, we would likely also raise the ratings on 
SCBC, SCBK, and SCBT, as long as we continue to believe that regulators and 
resolution authorities would seek to ensure that these entities' senior 
unsecured creditors continue to be paid on time and in full if the group 

We would likely revise the outlook back to stable if the group's accumulation 
of ALAC seems set to be delayed or fall short. This revision could also result 
from reduced confidence that a higher rating is justified in comparison with 
similarly highly-rated peers, for example due to mounting downside risks of 
the type envisaged under the downside scenario for SCPLC. 

Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Ltd.
The positive outlook on SCBHK mirrors the outlook on SCB. 

We would likely raise our long-term ratings on SCBHK if we raise our rating on 
SCB. This is conditional upon the sovereign rating on Hong Kong staying at 
'AAA' and we continue to see a high likelihood of government support for 

We would likely revise the outlook on SCBHK to stable, if we have a similar 
outlook revision on SCB. Alternatively, we could revise the outlook on SCBHK 
to stable if we see a reduced capacity or likelihood of government support in 
Hong Kong. This could happen if we lower our rating on Hong Kong, or we see 
the banking resolution regime in Hong Kong evolves in a way that reduces the 
willingness or flexibility of the government to support banks in a stressful 